Are you “doing better” or “living well with pain”? Would you be willing to share your story?
Sarah Jamieson from our changepain team is studying the experience of people who have struggled with chronic pain and who now feel like they are “doing better” or are “living well” with pain. She hopes that understanding these experiences will help us improve how we support people living with pain.
If you’ve struggled with pain and are doing better now, Sarah would love to hear your story.
If you want to learn more about participating, send an email to Sarah at sjamieson@adler.edu
Sarah’s research study is part of her Master of Arts degree in Counselling Psychology. It has been approved by Adler University’s Research Ethics Board, and it is supervised by Dr. Benjamin Aiken.
Please know that taking part or not won’t affect your care at changepain.
For any questions, reach out to Sarah at sjamieson@adler.edu