Important: Privacy Statement and Consent
Just like online shopping or email, Virtual Care has some inherent privacy and security risks that your health information may be intercepted or unintentionally disclosed. Please ensure your virtual care encounter is in a private setting and should not use an employer’s or someone else’s computer/device as they may be able to access your information.
One-on-One Video Appointments
Making the most of your video appointment:
- Find a private location.
- Please have your questions, requests or topics ready to discuss.
- As your clinicians are trying to help as many patients as possible, these are very focused appointments.Â
Instructions for One-On-One Video Appointments:
- You will receive a notification with the link for your virtual appointment 5 minutes before your appointment time.
- Please have the following ready before your virtual appointment:
- Secure internet connection
- Smartphone with TELUS CHR Connect app downloaded or computer/laptop with latest version of Google Chrome browser
- Camera and microphone enabled and tested so that the practitioner can see and hear you
- When accessing the virtual appointment link, you may be prompted to enter the following:
- Invitation code – check the notification for the code.
- Keep your phone on and by your side. If there are technical issues, the practitioner will call you from our clinic phone or an unidentified number.
Please be available virtually or by phone up to 60 minutes from the time of your appointment. We are doing our best to ensure practitioners stay on time, but sometimes they might run late.
If the practitioner does not contact you within 60 minutes, we will contact you to reschedule the appointment. Thank you for your patience.
Virtual Group Medical Visits
- We respectfully ask you to find a private location to protect the privacy of your group members.
- You may join using your smartphone or computer.
- You will receive a Zoom link to the session one hour before your scheduled start.
- This link will only be active 15 minutes before the start time, not at the time you receive it. Once you join, someone will let you in when we are ready.
After your appointment is made, the Zoom group videoconference details will be attached to your appointment reminder that is sent ONE hour before your scheduled start.