
What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a treatment branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It employs the insertion of fine, solid-metal, needles into designated points on the body to regulate the client’s energy (Qi) flow. Disease and symptoms are primarily viewed as the result of poor, improper or obstructed Qi flow.

How much does it cost?
Noli Catapang, Registered Acupuncturist

Noli received an HBSc. from the University of Guelph, Ontario, and a Diploma for Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Vancouver, BC.  He has been a Registered Acupuncturist since 2006. 

He employs the tenets of Chinese Medicine to diagnose and design treatment plans that are holistic and individually tailored.  With any lifestyle medicine, the path must always address, not only the client’s chief concern, but the factors and psycho-emotional landscape that affect it. 

Read more about Noli Catapang

Noli Catapang

Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac)

Noli received an HBSc. from the University of Guelph, Ontario, and a Diploma for Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the International College of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Vancouver, BC.  He has been a Registered Acupuncturist since 2006.

He employs the tenets of Chinese Medicine to diagnose and design treatment plans that are holistic and individually tailored.  With any lifestyle medicine, the path must always address, not only the client’s chief concern, but the factors and psycho-emotional landscape that affect it.  

Furthermore, Noli recognizes that wellness is most readily achieved by working in partnership with his clients.  These partnerships are built on compassion, education, understanding and choice.  The goal is helping the client to re-establishing balance thereby minimizing the need for treatment.

Noli Catapang
Registered Acupuncturist


TCM diagnosis differs from allopathic diagnosis in that it endeavours to determine the status of the body’s energies; where they are strong, weak, regulated and disordered. Acupuncture points are then selected and needled in an effort optimize Qi flow thereby addressing symptoms.

The act of targeted needling can facilitate enhanced pain control by positively affecting nerve response, muscle tension, blood circulation and restricted fascia. Additionally, thoughtful needling of acupuncture points can have positive effects on their vessels (meridians) and their respective functions. As such, acupuncture may be instrumental in improving sleep quality, increasing energy, improving digestion, mental clarity and stress management.  

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Cost of Initial Assessments - Non-MSP Medical

Private Medical Consultation (PMC) Multidisciplinary Private Assessment (MDPA)
Description Expedited, focused assessment to determine fit for non-MSP covered services requested:
IV Lidocaine Infusion, Ketamine Therapies, Prolotherapy, BOTOX, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).
Comprehensive functional and medical assessment with a multidisciplinary report addressing the biopsychosocial issues identified.
Care Team Pain Specialist Pain Specialist
Functional Movement Specialist
Duration 30 minutes 2 hours
Cost $450.00 $3,500.00

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Cost of Initial Assessments - Allied Health

Assessment Duration Cost
Chiropractic Initial 60 minutes $165.00
Physiotherapy Initial 60 minutes $160.00
Kinesiology Initial 45 minutes $90.00 (+ tax)
Counselling Initial 90 minutes $250.00
Acupuncture Initial 45 minutes $140.00

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